Obtaining a Patent in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

This article discusses every important detail regarding patents in Pakistan. We’ll explore the benefits of patents, what inventions qualify for protection, and the step-by-step process of obtaining a patent.

Why Apply for a Patent in Pakistan?

Patents offer inventors significant advantages:


Firstly, you gain the legal right to prevent others from making, using, or selling your invention for a defined period (usually 20 years).

Commercialization Power: 

Secondly, you control how your invention is used commercially. You can license it for royalties, sell the patent rights outright, or exploit it yourself.


Thirdly, public disclosure through the patent process acknowledges your innovation and contribution to the field.

What Can Be Patented in Pakistan?

Not all inventions qualify for patent protection. Here’s what the Pakistani Patent Law considers patentable:


To begin with, the invention must be entirely new and not publicly known anywhere globally before your application.

Inventive Step:

Additionally, If you lack skills in that specific field, this advancement shouldn’t be obvious to you.

Industrial Application:

Furthermore, your innovation must have the ability to be produced or utilized in an industrial setting.

Products or Processes:

Moreover, this can be a new and useful machine, device, composition, material, or process, or a significant improvement on an existing one.

What Inventions Are Excluded from Patent Protection?

The Pakistani Patent Law excludes certain categories from patentability:

Scientific Discoveries and Concepts: 

Theories, mathematical methods, or scientific discoveries themselves aren’t patentable.

Abstract Creations:

Similarly, literary, artistic, or purely aesthetic works fall outside the scope of patent protection.

Business Methods and Games: 

In addition, you can’t obtain patents for schemes, rules, or methods for games, business practices, or mental acts.

Presentational Formats: 

Also, presentations of information or computer software alone aren’t patentable.

Natural Discoveries: 

Likewise, discoveries existing in nature, even if isolated, can’t be patented.

Unethical Inventions: 

Furthermore, the IPO exclude inventions considered harmful to public order, morality, or human, animal, or plant life.

Living Organisms and Treatment Methods: 

Finally, plants, animals (except microorganisms), methods for treating humans or animals, and mere changes in appearance of known products are not patentable.

The Patent Application Process in Pakistan

Obtaining a patent involves several steps:

Prepare the Patent Specification:

This detailed document describes your invention. It includes the title, abstract, background information, a thorough description with drawings (if applicable), and claims that define the scope of your invention’s protection.

Choose Your Application Type:

You can file a complete or provisional specification.

Complete Specification: 

This allows for immediate examination by the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO) to determine patentability.

Provisional Specification: 

This establishes a filing date but requires a complete specification within 12 months.

Complete Application Forms:

The specific forms depend on your situation (individual/joint applicant, convention/non-convention application based on international filing).

Pay the Filing Fee:

The fee varies depending on the number of pages and claims in your application.

Submit Your Application:

You can mail or hand-deliver applications to any IPO office in Pakistan.

Examination and Grant:

The IPO examines your application for compliance with patentability criteria. If successful, your patent is granted.


Patents are powerful tools for inventors in Pakistan. By understanding the patentability criteria and application process, you can secure protection for your innovations and contribute to technological advancements in the country.

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